

Appraisals & Donations of Art

Questions about artwork you've purchased, found, or inherited? Or thinking of making a gift of artwork to the museum? Read below to find some answers!

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Perhaps you've purchased or inherited an artwork, and you'd like to find out more about it.  We'd like to help, but as an organization under the authority of Greenville County and in order to keep our accreditation with the Alliance of American Museums, the GCMA cannot recommend commercial appraisers, conservators, or framers.

To obtain an estimate on the value of an artwork, we recommend you contact a reputable dealer or appraiser. The following nonprofit organizations, the American Society of Appraisers, the Appraisers Association of America, and the International Society of Appraisers can help you find local, qualified professionals through the ZIP-code search on their websites.

We wish you the best of luck with your search and hope you are able to visit the GCMA soon.

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Donating Artwork

Thank you for thinking of the Greenville County Museum of Art as a recipient for your gift of artwork. The GCMA accepts original works of art that fit within the museum's stated mission and acquisitions policy. An extensive vetting process is required for each potential gift.

Please note that our insurance and acquisitions policies do NOT allow us to accept walk-in gifts.

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